For researchers and health professionals

Clinical specialities supported

The NIHR UCLH Clinical Research Facility (CRF) provides clinical investigators with an organised and well-managed infrastructure and environment in which to conduct research safely and efficiently. It is funded primarily to support early-phase studies and/or experimental medicine studies and it is a condition of our funding from the NIHR that we utilise the facility to develop a portfolio of such studies.

Specialties currently covered by the CRF include: cancer, neurological conditions and diseases, infectious diseases, endocrinology, gastroenterology, haematology, hepatology, cardiovascular diseased, respiratory medicine and stroke.

We are always keen to support other specialties and diversify our clinical studies portfolio.

Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) training and support

People discussing and sharing ideas.

We encourage chief investigators and research teams to involve patients, carers and the public at the earliest possible stage. PPI provides the potential to improve and enrich the research quality and clinical relevance. There is also a moral imperative to conduct PPI, as research targeting populations or services is publicly funded and need to be feasible and acceptable to those who take part. The NIHR, which funds a lot of our research, expects “active involvement of members of the public in the research that we fund. Members of the public review research proposals and sit on our funding and commissioning boards and panels to support our decision-making.” 

Suggestions to help get you started conducting PPI:

  • The UCLH BRC PPI team have a network with people from different lived conditions. Please e-mail Patience Renias-Zuva, for more information.
  • Link with national charities of the patient group you are researching.  
  • People in research website.  Part of this website is aimed specifically for researchers looking for members of the public to get involved in their research.
  • Or simply start by asking one or two of your own patients if they would be interested in working with you on the design of your new research project.

If you have specific PPI questions, contact Christine Menzies, PPIE and Communication Manager for the CRF,

Local PPI online training courses and guidance documents

For researchers new to PPI and/or those looking for a refresher on how to conduct effective PPI, the UCLH BRC PPI team run excellent bitesize online training sessions to build up researchers’ skills and confidence in involving lay people in their research.

A list of practical guidance documents can be found on the UCLH BRC 'Involving Patients and the Public' webpages.

Full range of services offered by the CRF

Details of the comprehensive list of services offered by the CRF staff can be found on the CRF website.

Finding out if your study can be supported and delivered in the CRF

If you are interested in using the Facility, please contact us as early as possible to discuss the support we can offer. Please contact the General Manager and/or the Lead Research Nurse in the first instance.