Dr Shah is a Clinical Lecturer at the UCL Institute of Health Informatics and an honorary consultant in Clinical Pharmacology and General Medicine, University College London Hospitals. In addition to his clinician’s role, Anoop is interested in using health records for research and improving the quality of information recorded in electronic health records. He has experience in medical statistics and epidemiology using electronic health records (such as the Clinical Practice Research Datalink and the CALIBER programme). He is interested in improving ways to convert raw clinical data into research-ready dataset, such as the use of common information models and analysis of text (natural language processing).
Anoop is a post-doctoral fellow with The Healthcare Improvement Studies Institute, and his main focus is to improve the way that diagnoses are recorded in electronic health records, guided by analysis of existing health records using natural language processing. He is studying patients with heart failure as a case study, but he aims to develop models that are generalisable.