UCLH has recruited the first patient in Europe for an early phase trial of a potential new medicine for patients that have a specific sub-type of multiple myeloma, a type of bone marrow cancer.
A UCLH patient is the first person in the UK to receive a new investigational drug being tested for a disorder caused by genetic mutations, called classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
UCLH has recruited the first UK participant to a trial of a new immunotherapy drug for patients with advanced solid cancers who no longer respond to existing treatments.
A potential new drug for patients with multiple myeloma who have failed to respond to several rounds of existing treatments has shown promise in an early phase trial at UCLH.
The first UK participant in a portion of a study looking at a new investigational medication for Covid-19 has received their initial dose of the drug at UCLH.
Initial results from an early phase study investigating a new ‘gene silencing’ therapy for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) suggest the treatment has the potential to alter the course of the disease.
An exciting new genetic therapy for Alzheimer’s disease is safe and successfully lowered levels of the harmful tau protein known to cause the disease, in a world first trial at UCLH and UCL.
A new personalised cancer treatment can radically improve the outlook for some patients with bile duct cancer, finds an international multicentre trial involving researchers at UCL and UCLH.