As well as our research themes, the BRC has Core components which, in keeping with our interdisciplinary ethos provide integrated management and support of our research.
Our BRC Core is made up of multiple components (see below for full list) each of which exists as an entity in its own right. Our strategy for the Core is to develop these components as a close federation by fostering collaborative, interdisciplinary and integrated working.
Examples of how components have already worked together to achieve greater impact and increased value to our research themes include:
- The Clinical Research Informatics Unit and Joint Research office have collaborated on data access pathways in research governance and on data sharing agreements resulting in streamlined and more efficient approval processes.
- Collaboration between the Translational Research Office and the BRC Experimental Medicine Academy resulted in development of the ACCELERATE programme of translational skills training. The ACCELERATE programme aims to upskill the research community in translational research through technical training, skills development, and encouraging innovative thinking. Collaboration has also enabled delivery of educational activities through the Therapeutic Innovation Networks.
- Close working between the PPIE team and the Joint Research Office and the Clinical Research Informatics Unit has had a significant impact on processes for the approval of access to UCLH patient data for research. The PPIE team worked with patients and researchers to develop a set of principles for the use of patient data in research that would protect and use data in a way the public expect and want. The Joint Research Office and the Clinical Research Informatics Unit worked collaboratively to establish approvals processes and study management processes that would embed the principles at UCLH. The principles were formally adopted by the UCLH trust board in October 2023.
- The Joint Research Office and the Biostatistics group have jointly ensured seamless statistical support for UCLH/UCL researchers in sponsorship pathways and in study design.
- Core components all work strategically towards equality, diversity and inclusion in research and input into the overall EDI strategy of the BRC. For example, the BRC Experimental Medicine Academy Academic Careers Office has multiple initiatives to support research staff from under-represented groups, and together with the PPIE team support initiatives to support students from disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue STEM careers. The Joint Research Office and PPIE team conducted a diversity survey across researchers, research staff and public contributors to assess how inclusive research is. The UCLH BioResource has a strategic focus on recruitment from under-represented populations and works closely with across our core components to achieve this.
Our core components
BRC Director and Managing Director, operations team and dedicated finance expertise.
Providing research management and governance support.
Providing statistical and methodological support for study design and analyses of health studies, and researching statistical methodologies.
Team of experienced industry translational scientists driving translational research and enterprise.
A team of software developers, data scientists and analysts working together to develop a robust environment and infrastructure for the analysis of clinical data.
A panel of patients at UCLH who have agreed to donate samples and data for research. Linking demographic and health data to provide an exceptional resource to support research into links between DNA variants, the environment, health and disease.
Supports BRC themes, coordinating/consolidating access to analytical platforms tools/bioinformatics, local and national data resources, aligned with access to our proteomic/metabolomic platforms.
Builds research capacity in experimental medicine, nurturing future leaders, through the BRC-supported UCL academic Careers Office.
PPIEP is embedded within all our themes and the BRC Core hosts our BRC PPIEP team which sets strategy and develops PPIEP initiatives.
Nurturing a culture of inclusivity/diversity in all staff and research participants, better representing UK diversity, utilising the partnership’s...
All BRC Core components report to the BRC Executive in a regular reporting cycle. The BRC Core is overseen by a Steering Committee which meets every quarter.