The UCL BRC Cancer theme seeks proposals for grants to pump-prime experimental medicine research aligned to one of our three strategic objectives (see below) or in the area of early detection of cancer. The applications will be assessed on scientific quality and the likelihood that the award will lead to further funding from grant-giving bodies. There should be a clear and credible plan for downstream grant applications predicated on the results of research funded through this scheme. We strongly encourage multi-disciplinary applications which integrate expertise from across UCL/UCLH in this field, and we welcome applications from investigators who do not already have extensive research portfolios.
Cancer objectives are:
1. Improving the therapeutic index in non-chemotherapy cancer treatment
2. Tumour heterogeneity and targeted therapy
3. Cancer Immunotherapy
In this call, awards will be made by competition and will be reviewed by the Cancer Theme Board. Expert review will be sought where needed.
Awards will be made up to the value of £100,000 (directly incurred costs until end March 2021). The NIHR policy precludes funding animal research, and capital will not be funded.
Successful applicants will be required to submit both annual and final reports summarising outcomes and impact of the BRC support.
Completed forms should be sent to Tina Osadolor (Cancer Theme Manager) at by 5pm Friday 28th June 2018.
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