Cancer Research Proposals awarded

The UCL BRC Cancer Theme recently awarded grants to pump-prime experimental medicine research aligned to one of our three strategic (see below) objectives or in the area of early detection of cancer.

The theme received a total of 21 applications, of which 7 were shortlisted. After a rigorous scoring process by the BRC Cancer Programme Board 5 applications (listed below) were granted funding to the tune of £310K.

The proposals submitted had to meet three key objectives:

  • Improving the therapeutic index in non-chemotherapy cancer treatment
  • Tumour heterogeneity and targeted therapy
  • Cancer Immunotherapy


  • Early detection of cancer 

BRC Cancer Theme Call Proposals Awarded:

1. Single-Cell Analysis of Microbiome-Epithelial Communication in CRC                   

2. Investigating the role of RNA-editing in cancer evolution and anti-tumour immunity

3. T-iPSC approaches to T-cell immunotherapy for cancer

4. Identification of allosteric inhibitors of the XPF complex to overcome platinum treatment resistance in Neuroendocrine Prostate Cancer (NEPC)

5. A method to accurately deconvolute the tumour immune microenvironment