The new Computational Medicine theme aims to ensure that every patient encounter at UCLH becomes an opportunity for research and innovation.
We will answer fundamental questions about which patients with which conditions are diagnosed and managed at UCLH, what are their outcomes and where are the opportunities to improve care.
Our goal is to bridge the translational gap between the increasing use of electronic healthcare records (e.g. Epic at UCLH) and the unrealised ambition to deliver data-driven solutions to understand and improve patient outcomes. To address the translational gap, we will build upon our unique assets:
- a comprehensive set of platforms, datasets and analytic tools
- our Clinical Research Informatics Unit (CRIU)
- a rigorous approach to common data standards and models
- world-leading expertise in our UCL AI Centre and the Centre for Medical Image Computing
- nationally unique Centres for Doctoral Training in AI-Enabled HealthCare Systems, i4health and foundational AI.
And will deliver against four interrelated objectives:
- To deliver step-changes in patient care by developing and deploying algorithms developed in our real-time translational AI environment
- To create novel sustainable infrastructure for hospital wide research
- To develop, validate and communicate risk information across a wide range of diseases
- To create a culture of data-driven, tailored engagement with patients & healthcare professionals in order to catalyse a pan-BRC culture of data intensive healthcare research
These will be enriched and scaled by a range of national and international partnerships; BRCs, research partners, NHS hospitals, NHSX, the NIHR Health Informatics Collaborative, Integrated Care Systems, Health Data Research UK, Health Services Laboratories, and strategic partnerships with industry.
More about our work

Healthcare Informatics, Genomics/Omics & Data Science Theme Director