Patient and Public Involvement (SAFEHR)

At the CRIU we actively encourage patients and members of the public to get involved in our work. Our work uses patient data to improve patient care and it is important that patients shape our research and how it is carried out.

Why get involved?

Your involvement will help make sure that our research is relevant and makes a difference to patient care. You can help us decide what topics we should research or you can help us plan how our research is carried out.

You can choose to get involved as much or as little as you like. You do not need to have any previous research or data experience to get involved.

How you can get involved:

  • Working with individual researchers and helping them design their studies
  • Commenting on and helping write information for patients and the public
  • Reviewing and inputting into research proposals

You can:

  • Join a one-off discussion online or in person
  • Take part in focus groups online or in person
  • Join a panel or steering committee

If you take part, you will usually receive a small payment and reimbursement for expenses such as travel. We will always try to support you with information and briefing, so you feel equipped to get involved.

If you are interested in getting involved, contact

Or join our Citizen’s Data Network – contact Patience Renias-Zuva: