Steve Harris is an NHS Critical Care Consultant, UCLH Chief Information Research Officer and…
Chloe Stockford is the Digital and Data Operations Lead at the NIHR UCLH Biomedical Research Centre,…
Ashleigh Suarez is the Programme Delivery Manager for SAFEHR at UCLH.Before joining the SAFEHR team,…
Stef Piatek is the Technical Programme Manager, working with those developing and maintaining…
Teresa Regan is the Project Co-ordinator for the Clinical Research Informatics Unit and has worked…
Sarah Keating is currently Principal Research Software Developer at the UCL Advanced Research…
Richard Clarke holds an MEng in Software Engineering. He began his career with database development…
Professor Dr Folkert W. Asselbergs is a Consultant Cardiologist, Professor of Precision Medicine at…
Ewan is a Data Engineer working the UCLH Clinical and Research Data Management Team (CRDM) and…
James Brandreth is a senior software developer on the NIHR NLP at the point of care project,…
Baptiste Briot Ribeyre holds an MSc in Software Engineering, in addition to two BScs as part of a…
Duncan Cartner has worked in various administrative roles across four NHS Trusts, including as…
Dr Yang Chen is a clinician by background and graduated in medicine from the University of Oxford in…
Haroon Chughtai is a Research Software Developer in the Research Software Development Group…
Dr Peter Dutey-Magni is a statistician at the UCL Institute of Health Informatics specialised in the…
Since joining the UCLH/UCL National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre in 2015…
Dr Gillham is a medical doctor working in critical care at UCLH and a software engineer working for…
Jennifer Jiang is a software developer on the NIHR NLP at the point of care project developing…
Kawsar Noor is a software developer on the CogStack pipeline, a suite of text analytics tools…
David Ramlakhan is the EMAP - Azure Platform Engineer, responsible for managing both On-prem and…
Nausheen Saleem is the Deputy Delivery Manager for Research & Innovation at University College…
Dr Shah is a Clinical Lecturer at the UCL Institute of Health Informatics and an honorary consultant…
Matt graduated from St Bartholomew's and The Royal London Medical School in 2011 and works as an…
Rhonda is the BioResource manager based within the Clinical and Research Informatics Unit at the…
Miguel Xochicale is currently a Senior Research Engineer at University College London, UK, where he…
Andy develops open-source software, learning materials and visualisations.
Ana has a background in Particle Physics and was a postdoctoral researcher in the High Energy…
Trained at the University of Sydney and London, Leilei assumed pivotal roles in clinical…
Sophie is the Information Governance Lead for Research and spends half of her time within the…