Few places remain - March PPI workshops

Just a few places remain on the PPI workshops that will run throughout March.

A range of patient, carer and public engagement and development opportunities will be provided across the clinical and academic workforce in the UCLPartners’ Academic Health Science Centre partnership.

The following workshops still have availability -

19 March 10am-4pm UCL Institute of Ophthalmology

Introduction to the patient, carer and public involvement in biomedical research

19 March 1.30pm-5pm City University London

Patient, carer and public involvement in applied health research

19 March – all day, Guy’s and St Thomas’

Patient and public involvement in paediatric research

20 March 9.30am-1pm Royal London Hospital

Setting up and running a patient group to develop patient, carer and public involvement in research

24 March 9.30am-1pm UCLH education centre

Taking patient and public involvement one step further - collaborating with non-professionals as co-applicants

25 March 1pm-4.30pm UCLH education centre

Patient, carer and public involvement in early stage clinical laboratory research

To view the programme click here.

To book a place contact Madeleine Stewart madeleine.stewart@ucl.ac.uk