Researchers and their teams are being encouraged to use the Participant in Research Experience Survey (PRES) to gather useful feedback from patients.
The survey, developed by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network (CRN) Coordinating Centre, is now open all year round and research staff are recommended to regularly give trial participants the opportunity to give their feedback during their participation in the trial and at the end of their trial, by asking them to complete the survey online or by giving them the paper survey.
At UCLH and in UCLH’s Clinical Research Facility, research staff approach patients and their carers on an ongoing basis, asking them to tell UCLH about their experience of taking part in a research study; both the good and the not so great.
Feedback is already helping research teams to improve research delivery in the future and ensure a positive experience for participants. As teams have found, feedback also helps them understand what they are doing well and share these successes with staff. Responses from the ongoing survey are regularly shared with study teams to enable real-time analysis and improvements to practice.
Help with PRES
As well as online and paper versions of the survey, staff can offer an easy read version and a version for people with visual impairment. There are also versions for different age groups of children.
You can also request posters for waiting rooms and clinics to let participants know about the survey. To request a poster email Marivic Ricamara on
To find out more and access support materials go to the North Thames CRN web pages.
Click on the following to see the different versions of the surveys online:
Online survey for ADULTS and over 16s
Online survey for children 0-6 years old
Online survey for children 7-11 years old
Online survey for children 12-15 years old
For copies of stick-and-fold copies of the survey, email