NIHR research professorships nominations

The NIHR is inviting nominations for up to five research professorships.

The NIHR is inviting higher education institutions, in partnership with NHS organisations, based in England only, to nominate health researchers and methodologists with an outstanding research record of clinical and applied health research

Each award will consist of a package to support a professorship, a post-doctoral appointment, research running costs, a travel fund, access to the NIHR Leadership Programme and the opportunity for a sabbatical, as well as the basic salary costs of the individual plus indirect costs (for the higher education institution nominating body only).

A maximum of two nominations will be accepted per institution. Nominees who were unsuccessful in previous rounds of the NIHR Research Professorships, will be eligible to be re-nominated by the institutional partnership.

For more information and to access an application pack visit the NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre webpage.

The deadline for institutional nominations is 1pm, Thursday 23 January 2014.