Advising families of immunosuppressed children with Covid-19

UCLH is involved in a study looking at how children with immune problems or on immune-suppressant drugs will respond to Covid-19.

The working assumption is that the risk of severe illness due to Covid-19 will be similar to the risk for influenza. However, there are no specific data on how Covid-19 may affect immunosuppressed young people, and parents and families are anxious to know more about the risks for their children.

In order to improve advice offered to patients and their families, researchers are inviting parents of immunosuppressed patients and immunosuppressed patients aged 16-17 to complete a weekly online survey tracking factors such as medications taken, symptoms experienced and school attendance.

Researchers will look for any potential risk factors for severe disease, and will share data with the NHS groups which offer advice to paediatricians, patients and their families.

If anyone in the family develops signs of Covid-19 during the study, they will be advised to follow official NHS advice. Results of any NHS tests will be made available to the families who will be asked to record these as part of the study.

The study will be led by University Hospitals Southampton, and UCLH will help identify study participants.

Dr Coziana Ciurtin, who is leading recruitment efforts at UCLH, said: “We think the risks of Covid-19 for immunosuppressed children will be comparable to the risks of getting the flu. But we need real data to be sure about this. We hope that the study will enable us to offer reassurance to parents and patients that the risk to immunosuppressed young people is low.”