Persistent postoperative opioid use in previously opioid-naïve patients after all-severity surgery - a qualitative study
A group of researchers would like to carry out a project looking at why some people continue to use strong painkillers called opioids for long periods after they have been discharged. However, in order to do this, the researchers will need to access the relevant patient records even though they are not under their care. They would like to discuss with you how acceptable it would be for them to access patient records for this purpose.
If you would like to get involved in this discussion, especially if you have had elective surgery at UCLH please contact Dr Fausto Morell-Ducos:
EMMA - Efficient Medical Record Manager & Administration
A team of researchers have created a prototype for an app/software, which can be used in the clinics by the clinical staff to automatically pre-fill patients' forms with their personal details and health records in order to save up time and shorten each appointment. This eventually would increase capacity of NHS and allow for more appointments and patients seen every day at the clinics. The team would like to host a round table discussion with patients to discuss the project and get your feedback on the prototype.
If you are interested in taking part, please contact Dr Athina Dritsoula:
‘Learning from deaths in healthcare’ – have a say in research into histopathology reports
A research team at UCLH is asking people to spend a few minutes filling in a survey on a proposed study (no identifiable data is being collected in the survey).
This input will help the design and success of the research. The Natural Language Processing of Histopathology Reports study will analyse histopathology reports and study patterns of disease over time and characteristics that could lead to improved diagnosis and treatment of disease.
You can learn more about the study and fill out the survey here: NLP PPI Survey.
Citizens Data Network
Join our citizens data network and get involved with projects on how patient data is used in research.
Involvement opportunity for inclusion health project:
A group of clinicians from UCLH are working on the RESPOND project which is a new service for all asylum seekers (adults and children) living in Home Office coordinated Initial Accommodation, in North Central London. The service offers an appointment to see a healthcare practitioner who will spend 45 minutes per individual or an hour and a half per family unit, with translation services available if needed, to assess all of their health and care needs.
In that single appointment, people will be offered checks for their blood pressure, weight, pre-existing and new medical conditions. An assessment of their current and past mental health needs will also be offered, as well as discussion of any specific needs such as domestic abuse, sexual abuse, gender based violence, child development and school registration. If any concerns are raised in this appointment the individual will be referred to the suitable healthcare service for example a GP or social worker.
An important part of developing and expanding this service is to have input from individuals who have had a lived experience of being an asylum seeker either personally or through family and friends experiences. We plan to have one-to-one interviews and focus group discussions around the service and it's future development and would like to explore peer support workers, enabling those with lived experience to contribute to the model and support system.
If you would like to input into the development of this initiative please contact: Paola Cinardo
UCLH BRC Trial recruitment diversity project
UCL/UCLH BRC are working on a research project to try and understand the cause for the discrepancies in representation of minority ethnic populations in clinical research projects. This project is going to focus on how people are approached and also the language used when recruiting individuals to research trials.
As such we would like some patient and public representatives of minority ethnic background to sit on a panel that will help us with various aspects of the project such as the design, study protocol documents, questionnaires and ultimately some guidance to researchers based on the findings of the project. Our panel members will be reimbursed for their time at £ 75 per meeting attended.
The total number of meetings is yet to be confirmed. This opportunity is on a first come first served basis. Anyone who is interested should contact me on